Monday, May 31, 2010
List Segmentation | Effective Email Marketing Continued
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List Segmentation | Effective Email Marketing Continued Submitted by Jim Roche NJ
Use Segmentation to Send ONLY Relevant Messages
List Building | Segmentation | 12 Second Commute | Contact Manager Does That
As a legitimate email marketer (as opposed to a SPAMMER), you know how important permission based marketing is. You know it's imperative to get permission before freely sending emails to your prospects and customers.
Unfortunately, without segmentation, you're still committing one of the greatest sins in email marketing sending people emails they don't want to receive.
Imagine you wanted to send a promotional email for Product A. Without segmentation, you draft the email and send it out to everyone you have contact information for.
Stop blasting emails to your entire contact list! No single email will be relevant to EVERYONE on your list. But without segmentation, you have no idea who'll respond.
And, no matter how great your promotion is, no matter how fantastic your product or service is you will only ever reach a handful of interested people. And you'll irritate or start to drive off the rest.
With each "blast" you'll get:
A handful of interested people who like Product A and are glad you sent them an email
A group of people who want nothing to do with Product A, or you, and flag your email as SPAM
A few people who like Product A, but they want it in blue and you're promoting it in red
A growing list of people who lost interest in you
Now, let's imagine a different scenario. You want to send a promotion for Product A. So you find all the customers and prospects who have recently shown an interest in Product A and send them an email.
We'll let you guess the results of a targeted email like that!
Effective email marketing requires you to know everything you can about your contacts. You should know their name, gender, email address, location, marital status and career, as well as:
Their interests, particularly as they relate to your products and/or services
When and what they last purchased
Whether they open and click on emails
Their behaviors (wouldn't you like to know if a prospect had been visiting your website?)
With these details, you always have the chance to send targeted, relevant messages. Messages that get results! That is what makes the difference between you and millions of other small business owners.
Jim Roche NJ
Sunday, May 30, 2010
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The Only Marketing System You Will Ever Need
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Before You Send Another Email,Consider This.Submitted by Jim Roche NJ
AS a small business owner, you're always looking for ways to close more sales and grow your business. And by now you've either adopted email marketing, or you will shortly. After all, email marketing is easy, fast, inexpensive, and, in most cases, yields the highest ROI. Which is great for you the small business owner. However before you send another email, consider this: the majority of entrepreneurs have no idea how to use email marketing effectively. And they're losing out on thousands, even millions of dollars because of it. You see, the truth is most small business owners will spend their time worrying about things like: What subject lines get the best open rates? Are there SPAM words I should avoid? How long should my email be? When is the best time of day to send my email? And so on A complete list could fill the entire page. But when it comes right down to it, there is a bigger picture here that most business owners are missing. While they're busy debating subject lines, deciding how to sign their emails, and rejoicing over 1 or 2% increased response rates, other, more important issues are neglected. And that's when having never learned effective email marketing strategies, small business owners are either oblivious to the mistakes they're making, or they fight the symptoms of the problem and not the problem itself. They believe: if open rates drop they've got to find a more responsive list or hire a copywriter to write more compelling subject lines. If no one jumps at the promotion it's because they delivered their message on the wrong day of the week. If their email messages aren't being delivered to the inbox it's time to find a new email marketing service. Look, successful email marketing is NOT determined solely by subject lines. It cannot be achieved by just avoiding SPAM words. A defined email length will not make or break your bottom line. And long-term success has never been determined by a certain day of the week. The majority of entrepreneurs have no idea how to use email marketing effectively. A promotional email is sent to an existing customer-who already made the purchase at full price A man receives an email inviting him to a Woman's Stress Management Course A prospect signs up to be on a mailing list then doesn't hear anything from the company for 3 or 4 months An email marketer gets more SPAM complaints than click-throughs If you want to see real results from your email marketing efforts, then stop reading articles about the, "7 Words You Should NEVER Use in an Email." Focus on the concepts that will make a difference. The key to creating successful, effective email marketing campaigns is tied up in 3 critical (but little known) techniques: Tomorrow I will detail the 3 techniques you must master in order to be a successful Email marketer. Jim Roche NJ
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Thursday, May 27, 2010
Horse Head In Your Bed? | Angie Mitchell | 12 Second Commute
The reason I'm so upset about what I'm about to tell you is because it has never happened to me before... until sometime last night. I like to think that I'm a different kind of internet marketer, actually I don't like to think of myself as an Internet Marketer because for me it has a bit of a negative connotation, it makes me think of a person who is trying to "sell" something, someone who has dollar signs in their eyes.
Although I'm in business to make money, I don't want to "sell" to people, I want to help enhance their business and in turn enhance their life.
I will tell you this, there is no better feeling in the world than knowing that I played some small part in helping someone else attain success no matter how small or large that success becomes.
I have done everything in my power to help or direct the people on my 12 Second Commute team and I see us all as equals, we all want the same things, we are all just at different points in the "game" and as long as we are moving forward at a slow and steady pace, I know we will win the race.
I'm rambling.
I could go on and on...
But, I want to warn you in advance if you ever join my 12 Second Commute team, I won't call it a "downline" because that's negative to me as well, if you are ever on my team, I'm going to be the biggest pain in the ass sponsor you will ever have because I want you to succeed. Even if you give up on yourself, I won't!
Sometime in the wee hours of the morning, the very first person to join my 12 Second Commute team QUIT! I have turned myself inside out, upside down and backwards to reach out. It started off so well, then turned into nothing at all. But I kept trying and giving... leaving her to her business but letting her know I was still there.
I got nothing in return. Sure she had a good following of her own, they are also on my team but that's not the point.
I lost one.
For me, it doesn't mater who's team you're on, if I can help I will.
My good friend Jim Roche NJ has always told me "don't get too high and don't get too low" I guess I feel this way because I care so much. I feel as though I have failed. I prided myself knowing that not a single person that has joined me has left... until today.
I know the old saying goes "you can lead a horse to water but you can't make em drink" well I'm sure as hell going to try! (The image I have in my head is arms and legs wrapped around the horses neck, while hanging over a puddle of water trying desperately to get his head down.)
You are not invited to my pity party, the bar is closed... time to go home.
I love Art Williams and needed a little motivation and so might you.
Here is Art's 2 part video.
Angie "die hard" Mitchell
List Building Tools
Skype ID: angiebt79828
angie mitchell, 12 second commute, art williams, team, jim roche nj
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
List Building Tools | Essential for Any Online Business | 12SC Submitted by Jim Roche NJ
List building is a crucial element of any online business today. Building a list entails keeping a collection of prospects who are within easy access of contact.
Of course, to make list buildingg work for you, you must have the tools to have them sign up to your list to gather the leads. With a little bit of creativity and a lot of persistence, your email list can end up consisting of many thousands of customers and interested prospects.
There are many benefits to list building here are just a few of them:
So what are the benefits of list building?
1. Building Relationships
When you email your list regularly, you build a relationship with them. They will learn to trust you and look forward to your emails, particularly if you are constantly providing free, helpful information that will interest them. For that reason it is also essential to know exactly what your list prospects want and need.
2. More Sales
After you begin providing free information to your list prospects they will be more likely to purchase from you. Regardless if they sign up to your list without initially purchasing something from you, you will stand a better chance of converting them after sending a sequence of emails. It is said that it can take up to 7 points of contact before someone purchases from you. Having built a list of prospects allows you the perfect opportunity to reach this point without over doing it, of course. There is a fine line between helping your prospects and annoying them with constant contact.
3. Branding Yourself
You earn recognition by building a list. You can become an authority in your niche of choice. People may start talking about you and word of mouth can, of course, lead to increased business and a larger email list.
There simply is no better way to build a long term business than by taking advantage of list building, whether online or offline. Both online and offline businesses can benefit from list building. Although we have talked about emailing a list in this article, the same can be done via snail mail (or regular postal mail) and you can build your offline list in similar ways.
List building must be considered an essential part of any business plan. It will increase your bottom line dramatically and will allow you to build unparalleled relationships with your customers and prospects.
Monday, May 24, 2010
12 Second Commute |How to Help Your Downline | Jim Roche NJ | Submitted by Jim Roche NJ
If you want to take your business to the next level, you need to start with your downline because if you help them and they stay with you, your business will explode. If you ignore them which too many sponsors do, they will quit and you will have a revolving door of clients. It takes 80% less money to keep a client than it does to get a new one, so if your cost to acquire a client is $100, your cost to keep that client happy is only $20 and personally I would rather spend $20 to keep someone happy than $100 to find someone new and have to start all over again. One of the tools you get with the 12 Second Commute is called the URL Rotator and the rotator simply allows you to create one master URL or link and then place other links under it so as people click on the master URL, they are automatically directed to the links under it. For example, let's say you are promoting Program T and I am promoting Program T. In your ads, you tell people that when they join Program T with you that you are going to give them advertising to help them get started. I am too cheap to do this and I just want people to join me in Program T and then they are on their own. Who do you think is going to build Program T faster, you or me? You will because you are offering help to your clients while I am just offering to take their money. Another way to help your downline is to use your Ad Tracker in the 12 Second Commute and track every ad and every link you have on the Internet. This is going to save you immediate money because you will know where your hits are coming from which means you don't waste time and money on advertising that will not work. And, it will allow you to pass this information to your downline. Using the same Program T example as above, let's say you have been tracking your ads for 6 months and you know exactly how much you have spent on advertising and how many hits you got from all your advertising and you can take this information and know exactly how much money it takes to run your business. You tell your prospects that when they join Program T with you that you are going to share this valuable information with them and you can also tell them how much money they are going to have to spend to get profitable. Since I am only after their money and I am not smart enough to track my ads, I just spend crazy money on advertising and I never know whether or works or not and I have zero data to pass to my downline. Who are people going to join with? You, because you'll tell them exactly how much it will cost them to get profitable and that is what people want and need to know. Does doing this take a little time and energy? Yes, but it will pay off 10 fold for you because you are going the extra mile for your downline and they will stick with you. And, you will teach them to do the same, so not only will your down line grow but theirs will as well which brings more money to you and since people are not jumping ship each month, you can start counting on a certain amount of money each month as will your downline and you are now well on your way to achieving the success you desire and deserve. Zig Ziglar said it best: "You can get anything in life you want; if you just help enough other people get what they want". Help your downline using the tools and resources you get in 12 Second Commute and you will soon see an amazing increase in your business.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Business Building Online Marketing Tools | Angie Mitchell Submitted by Angie Mitchell
The fastest way to building a business is to give away something of value. Not something you think is valuable; something your target market thinks is valuable.
This approach has been around for centuries and it works just as well now as it did back then.
Give real value without asking for compensation. Make people feel good, when they get that feeling without spending any money, they're going to remember it.
You have to know what your customers and prospects are looking for, and you need to find a way to get it for them without consuming too much of your resources.
What can you do?
No matter what business you're building, you have knowledge and resources that is of value to your customers. Capture some of it and put it into a nice format, make it look appealing. Then give it away.
When they come back, they'll feel a whole lot better about spending money with you because you have already done your part you gave them something they found value in and asked for nothing in return.
"There is a secret psychology to money," says T. Harv Eker, internationally known speaker and author of 11 top-selling books and courses, "Most people don't know about it, that's why most people never reach their financial potential."
Eker explains, "Your outer world is simply a reflection of your inner world! A lack of money is not a problem, it is merely a symptom of what's going on underneath! The fastest and only way to permanently change your financial situation on the outside, is to first change it on the inside." T. Harv Eker
I'm not psychic and I'm no genius but give me 5 minutes, and I'm pretty sure I can predict your financial future! How? By identifying your financial and success blueprint.
We all have a financial and success blueprint already ingrained in our subconscious. It's extremely important to recognize what your own financial blueprint is set for. Is it success, mediocrity or failure, struggle or ease, high or low earnings, consistent or inconsistent income, spending or saving, picking winning investments or picking losers?
One way is to look at your results!
If you keep doing the same over and over chances are you will keep getting the same results.
If the temperature in a room is 68 degrees, chances are the thermostat is set for 68. Regardless of whether you are making $25,000 or $400,000 per year, unless you raise your 'internal financial blueprint' you will never substantially raise your income or net worth.
Unfortunately for most people, your current blueprint will stay with you for the rest of your life, unless you identify it and change it.
If you have a home based business or work online doing internet marketing there is a powerful, suite of online marketing tools that will do just that. Change the way you manage and market your business, be it online or offline.
With this particular set of online tools you will learn how to completely recondition yourself for financial freedom.
For some people, the change will happen very quickly for others not so much. That depends on you. You determine how successful you will become.
There is absolutely no lack of training and support with this marketing and opportunity service. As long as you are ready and willing to succeed, take advantage of the what you are being offered and put your plan into action if you can do that then you are moving in the right direction.
There is simply nothing else offered like this.
Mentoring, training, marketing and advertising plus the tools to make it all happen. The people involved go above and beyond. If that sounds like something you could use then I'd urge you to get started.
Take initiative of your finances and your future. If you like what you see and can see how this is only going to take your business to the next level, I'd like to speak with you.
I'm going to give you something of value and I'm going to give you 30 days to see this value business tools!
Angie is a Mentor, Coach, Copywriter, Article Marketer, Blogger and a Sponsor who is willing and able to help you succeed to make things happen.